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This website is an exploration of possibilities for our lovely vixens in the carnival city of New Orleans. I remember as a teenage boy daydreaming and nightdreaming of the carnal intrigue of the Vieux Carre. I remember as a young man moving to New Orleans and meeting the beautiful, sophisticated lady that I married. But best of all, I remember every erotic adventure from her bachelorette days that she described to me. Over time, I became convinced that both she and I would enjoy opening our relationship up and including additional select men as sexual partners for her. And I was right.

Over the years, my wife has played with many men. Sometimes I participate and sometimes I reclaim her in private. Our relationship is of the stag vixen variety; I am not a cuckold, but understand that for many couples in the lifestyle that is the preferred dynamic. The goal of this website is to facilitate encounters between consenting couples and bulls.

My vision is to create a website that promotes activities for stag vixen couples and bulls in New Orleans. This will be done by creating blogs for clubs that cater to lifestyle couples such as Collette’s and blogs for lifestyle events such as Naughty in Nawlins. Subscribers to this website will be able to participate in discussion boards and to create groups of like-minded people. This is a work in progress, and subscriber input is encouraged.